GET /scores
Used to get survey response aggregates.
URL parameters
Parameter | Required | Requirements | Description |
start_date | No | YYYY:MM:DD (time assumed midnight) or YYYY:MM:DDTHH:MM:SS. Timezone inferred from survey setting. | Start date. |
end_date | No | YYYY:MM:DD (time assumed midnight) or YYYY:MM:DDTHH:MM:SS. Timezone inferred from survey setting. | End date. |
interval | No | Day or Week or Month | Default is Day. |
where | No | string | Segmentation conditions. |
“where” expression Format
- property[“property name”] (operator) (value)
- (property[“property name”] (operator) (value)) and (property[“property name”] (operator) (value)) and (property[“property name”] (operator) (value))
- (property[“property name”] (operator) (value)) or (property[“property name”] (operator) (value)) or (property[“property name”] (operator) (value))
Supported operators
Property type | Operator | Operator notation | Example |
Number, Number set | less than | < | property[“refund_amount”] < 500 |
Number, Number set | less than or equal to | <= | property[“refund_amount”] <= 500 |
Number, Number set | greater than | > | property[“refund_amount”] > 500 |
Number, Number set | greater than or equal to | >= | property[“refund_amount”] >= 500 |
Number, Number set | exactly equal | == | property[“refund_amount”] == 500 |
Number, Number set | is set | isset | property[“refund_amount”] isset |
Number, Number set | is not set | isnotset | property[“refund_amount”] isnotset |
String, String set | contains | contain | property[“name”] contain “john” |
String, String set | exactly equal | == | property[“name”] == “Joe John” |
String, String set | is set | isset | property[“name”] isset |
String, String set | is not set | isnotset | property[“name”] isnotset |
Boolean | equal to | is | property[“new_customer”] is true |
Boolean | is set | isset | property[“new_customer”] isset |
Boolean | is not set | isnotset | property[“new_customer”] isnotset |
Date | less than | < | property[“delivery_date”] < 2016-02-26 |
Date | less than or equal to | <= | property[“delivery_date”] <= 2016-02-26 |
Date | more than | > | property[“delivery_date”] > 2016-02-26 |
Date | more than or equal to | >= | property[“delivery_date”] >= 2016-02-26 |
Date | on | == | property[“delivery_date”] == 2016-02-22 |
Date | is set | isset | property[“delivery_date”] isset |
Date | is not set | isnotset | property[“delivery_date”] isnotset |
Operators for “Number Set” and “String Set” apply on individual items in the set.
Operator “contains” for string and string set supports partial and full word matches. It is case insensitive.
Operator “exactly equal” for string and string set supports only exact matches. It is case sensitive.
Combination of “and” and “or” cannot be used in a single expression.
Add a space before and after operator.
When aggregating by month/week the first day of the month/week will represent the month/week. If the start date is in the middle of month/week then data will be provided for partial month/week, but label in API response will be of first day of month/week.
Following formats are allowed for date properties: YYYY:MM:DD (time assumed midnight) or YYYY:MM:DDTHH:MM:SS. Timezone will be inferred from survey setting.
GET /scores?pretty
HTTP1/1.1 200
"request_id": "1e439af1-503b-4d97-a32e-4267faaa818f",
"success": true,
"errors": [],
"response": {
"positive_score": null,
"boolean_score": null,
"positive_responses": 0,
"negative_responses": 0,
"has_score": false,
"data": [
"interval_date": "2017-05-24T00:00:00+05:30",
"epoch": 1495564200,
"positive_responses": 0,
"negative_responses": 0,
"positive_score": null,
"boolean_score": null,
"has_score": false
"interval_date": "2017-05-25T00:00:00+05:30",
"epoch": 1495650600,
"positive_responses": 0,
"negative_responses": 0,
"positive_score": null,
"boolean_score": null,
"has_score": false
GET /scores?start_date=2017-05-24&end_date=2017-05-25&where=(property["city"] == "San Francisco")&pretty
HTTP1/1.1 200
"request_id": "012e4acd-7ff1-4c5a-b6b4-e18ddddb4294",
"success": true,
"errors": [],
"response": {
"positive_score": 100,
"boolean_score": 10,
"positive_responses": 1,
"negative_responses": 0,
"has_score": true,
"data": [
"interval_date": "2017-05-24T00:00:00+05:30",
"epoch": 1495564200,
"positive_responses": 1,
"negative_responses": 0,
"positive_score": 100,
"boolean_score": 10,
"has_score": true
"interval_date": "2017-05-25T00:00:00+05:30",
"epoch": 1495650600,
"positive_responses": 0,
"negative_responses": 0,
"positive_score": null,
"boolean_score": null,
"has_score": false
GET /scores?start_date=2017-05-24&end_date=2017-05-25&where=(property["city"] == "San Francisco" and property["first_time_customer"] is false)&pretty
HTTP1/1.1 200
"request_id": "e6f7e00f-a91f-4d71-b768-3fdc63f2b853",
"success": true,
"errors": [],
"response": {
"positive_score": 100,
"boolean_score": 10,
"positive_responses": 1,
"negative_responses": 0,
"has_score": true,
"data": [
"interval_date": "2017-05-24T00:00:00+05:30",
"epoch": 1495564200,
"positive_responses": 1,
"negative_responses": 0,
"positive_score": 100,
"boolean_score": 10,
"has_score": true
"interval_date": "2017-05-25T00:00:00+05:30",
"epoch": 1495650600,
"positive_responses": 0,
"negative_responses": 0,
"positive_score": null,
"boolean_score": null,
"has_score": false
Error codes
Code | Message | Description |
1001 | Invalid format | Invalid format of data. |
1006 | Required property missing | One or more required property is missing. |
1009 | Invalid Value | Value is incorrect for a given field. |